Looking for a new challenge?

For us, it’s not just a job, but rather our way of giving back to the industry we love so much.

Coastal Jibs stands out in North America as an outdoor equipment manufacturer. We handle the complete manufacturing process of our products in-house at our factory, from receiving raw materials to delivering finished products to our customers.

Involvement is part of our team spirit: everyone can bring their ideas, contribute to product innovation, and improve our methods. We will always be attentive.

Being outdoor sports enthusiasts ourselves, flexibility is important to us. We all want to be able to enjoy the beautiful weather for mountain activities, both in summer and winter, and engage in the sports that impassion us.

We are located in Sherbrooke, the capital of Eastern Township, and close to the mountains of Mont Orford, Owl’s Head, Bromont, and Sutton, not to mention our downtown mountain, Mont Bellevue. And to top it off, all employees have access to our corporate pass program at Mont Orford.

Even if you don’t practice these sports, there’s always a place for you if you want to help popularize them, whether it’s for your circle, your friends, or simply to participate in creating equipment that excites the world!

In summary, being part of our team means being part of a family of passionate people for outdoor sports, whether it’s skateboarding, skiing/snowboarding, or mountain biking.